The last couple of days have been super busy. The tighter my time got, the more my mind bubbled over with ideas! Without time to sit down and post or craft, I scribbled note upon note to myself. I may have to double-post for a few days just to catch up!!
A little over a week ago, I told you about the Craft It Forward movement that I joined at the suggestion of my blogger friend, Audrey, over at http://audreyscountrycrafts.blogspot.com. I'm still looking for four more participants.
Here's how it works: The first five people to respond to this will get something handmade by me. (So far, only one person has signed up, so if you are among the first four today, You've got a free gift coming to you!)
There are a few disclaimers:
* I get to choose what you get and I make no guarantee that you will like what I make. (but I hope you will!)
*What I create will be just for you.
*You'll receive it this year (2009).
*You have no clue what it's going to be. It could be ANYTHING handmade ! (At this point, I haven't even thought about what you will get!)
IN RETURN, all you need to do is post this text into your blog and make 5 things for 5 people.
Respond in the comments section ... first 4 people signing in today win! Please leave a way in the comments for me to contact you for your address once you have posted about the "Craft It Forward" and offered prizes. Also, it would be helpful to now what your favorite color is.
Remember, it's a FREE gift!!!!
I love this idea and would really enjoy participating!! Let me know!
So glad to have you join us in the craft It Forward movement. I'll be dropping you a note with details.
So sorry I had to back out of your idea....!!! Hope you get lots more people to sign up!
The Retirement Chronicles
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