Sorry I missed posting last night. Time just got away from me. Or, maybe, I just got away! We finished dinner, spent a few hours doing some competitive sodokus ( The Big Guy and I do this most evenings.), watched LOST, and, apparently, closed my eyes for just a moment… I woke up hours later, slumped down in my chair with a crick in my neck and just barely able to keep my eyes open long enough to stumble off to bed! The Big Guy had said his good nights when LOST went off. I guess I should have followed suit.
I’d had a busy day. I went to lunch with “The Aunts”. There are only three members of my parents’ generation of the family still with us - two of my Dad’s sister-in-laws and my Mom’s cousin - all of whom, incidentally. live in the same retirement village. I try to get together with the two aunts on a fairly regular basis for a lunch and chatter which can fill a day quickly.
We had lunch in the “pub” in one of the buildings there yesterday. After a pleasant meal, we paraded back to the older aunt's apartment for our gossip hour. I say paraded as I walked, one of the gals used her Jazzy power chair and the other traipsed along with her new walker. It’s bright red, complete with a basket and bag to carry stuff in and she refers to it as her “red Cadillac”.
I always take them something. This time, I took muffins. I spent Tuesday afternoon making six different batches of muffins, wrapping and labeling each individually so they could throw them in the freezer and take one or two out at a time. They are very enthusiastic recipients as neither does much baking these days. (The Big Guy was also pleased because there were lots of muffins left over, too.) I also always take something for show and tell and pictures. Neither uses the computer and, therefore, hasn’t been able to view my online shop, so I took some of my newest merchandise with me. All too soon, the afternoon grew short and I needed to head home.
I enjoy the gossip about what everybody in the family is up to, what each of us is doing (they are both still very active in their community there) and, invariably, there are stories from the past. I always leave with pleasant memories of days gone by. After each visit, I start thinking of what to take next time as a “pick me up.” I’m hoping to have some garden flowers ready to pick by next visit and before long, there will be fresh produce available.
I hope you all take time from your busy lives to spend time with the “older” generation. There is so much to learn from them and most thoroughly enjoy the company. They won’t be there forever, so don’t delay. If you can’t stop in to visit, at least give them a call. It does mean so much to these dear family treasures.
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