A passing snow “event” prevented our setting out on Sunday. With accumulation forecasts varying from 1“-3’’ to possibly 15” (“give or take 50 miles North or South”) , we figured we’d just hang out with the family in a warm, dry house for an extra day or two. The Omaha area only got a light dusting that never really coated the streets but there were 10” amounts nearby and parts of the Interstate were closed in Iowa for several hours due to white-out conditions. Leaving Monday morning, we found lots of snow-covered scenery but clear highways.
Today, however, was another story. We drove in varying degrees of snow flurries, snow showers and light snow that created a white out effect but never really coated the roadways for, oh, about 450-475 miles! We left Elkhardt, Indiana at about 6 a.m. and within a half hour were driving in a light snow. We pretty much continually had some form of snow all the way to Frederi
This pic was taken somewhere in Ohio this morning and is basically what we saw most of the way home today!!
Our friends and family are now referring to this as "The Franz Syndrome." Supposedly, it is a new national weather phenomonen. Wherever The Big Guy and I go, the snow is sure to follow! We're now 0-3 in the roadtrip department. In November, we drove home from Omaha and hit snow from mid-Indiana through Western Pennsylvania and we even brought snow to the Carolinas earlier this year!!
Do you think anyone will let us visit in the future ?
1 comment:
Awwwww...isn't spring in the midwest wonderful?
That is how it is where I live (upper Michigan). But finally, our snow is slowly melting and we are actually seeing spots of the ground. Shhh..don't let Mother Nature know!
Glad you are back, safe.
The Retirement Chronicles
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