Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Natural Highs and Comforting Thoughts

It's been a busy day for me. I woke up to a very foggy morning that took its time clearing but when it did, the sun shone brightly and the temps rose. You could actually believe Spring is coming. It felt good and gave me renewed energy. (Amazing what a little sunshine can do for a gal!) I ran some errands and I accomplished quite a bit here at home.

I spent a fair portion of my morning on the phone chatting with family and friends. Unfortunately, some were not having good days and needed some friendly support. Later, a neighbor stopped in. She. too, needed a sounding board today. I'm glad I can be there for them when they need the help and I know they will be there for me if needed but it sure did put a crimp in my schedule!! Once again, I'm behind in my painting!! (In other words, I've got nothing to show you today!!)

So, I turned to my little notebook where I jot down future blog ideas and came up with this one - "Natural Highs and Comforting Thoughts." This is a list of things that can calm the savage beast in us, slow us down and allow us to simply relax and enjoy the moment.

Here are some items from my list of "Natural Highs and Comforting Thoughts":

1. Hearing a favorite song on the radio;
2. Toddlers giggling;
3. Seeing hot air balloons float by;
4. Warm chocolate chip cookies;
5. Warm towels just out of the dryer;
6. Getting an unexpected greeting card in the mail;
7. Spending time with friends;
8. Watching the waves roll in on the beach;
9. Swinging on a wooden porch swing;
10. A sincere and long hug from a close friend;
11. Watching the fish in our aquarium;
12. A cozy fire in the fireplace;

Go ahead and start your own list of things that bring you comfort or make you giddy with happiness. Post the list in a prominent spot and read it whenever you need a lift!


Audrey said...

That's a wonderful list!! I always tell myself I'll make one too - might have to actually do that today!

Kitty said...

As you say ... the fact that you could be there for them today means they will more than likely be there for you another day. Love your list, and I too have a notebook in which I jot down blogging ideas. x

The Retired One said...

I loved your list! Each one of them brings wonderful images to my senses. A good idea to look at this type of list when you need a boost!