Thursday, September 22, 2011

Unsolicited, Totally Uncompensated Product Review - Fit & Active Smores Drizzled Mini Crisps

"Hello. My name is - Oh, just call me Ramblin Mama - and I am a rice-cake-a-holic."

There. I admitted it. No more hiding in the closet, chewing slowly to hide the crunching sounds.

Maybe I just have an addictive personality.
Yesterday, I used the term obsession with regard to my tendency to overdo my love of stitching. (Don't you think "obsession" sounds so much better than "addiction"?)

The Big Guy and I both love some crunchy with our munchies - and, Oh, we DO love our munchies! I swear, he's an enabler. I purposely keep the snacks on a shelf I can't reach just to limit my access. I'm often too lazy to get the stepstool so I end up passing them by. BUT, now that he's around the house more, I've found if I mention wanting them, he'll get them down! (There's a reason to marry a tall man!)

We prefer flavored rice cakes. (Plain are a bit bland.) Long ago we discovered the ones with caramel flavoring and usually have a bag on hand. They make great car snacks as they're not messy and not subject to temperature conditions. We do a lot of roadtrips! (Incidently, cinnamon sugar flavored rice cakes are a perfectly legitimate breakfast food - and can be eaten on the run!)

We're lucky enough
to have an Aldi's as our closest grocery store so we buy a lot there. I recently discovered and fell in love with their Fit & Active Smore's Drizzled Mini Crisps. I mean, what Gal can pass up something labeled "smores"? (I was a Girl Scout and smores were a standard Girl Scout treat. I think it's part of the GS Alumni code.)

OMG, I LOVE these!
The box describes them as "Marshmallow Bits & Rich Milk chocolatey Coating in a Delicate and Satisfying Snack." They ARE !!!

The little 90-calorie individual packs ARE actually satisfying. There are (approx.) 31, 1-inch diameter mini crisps in each bag. The Big Guy can even swipe a few and I don't mind! (Most of those 100-calorie mini snacks on the market just seem to whet my appetite and leave me wanting another packet.)

Okay, back to the smores. Each pack is considered a full serving at 90 calories, just 3 grams of total fat, 6 grams of sugar and only 90 grams of sodium. Only bad thing about these is there are only 6 packages to a box! At $2.49 a box, I consider them reasonably priced. (Have you bought a single candy bar recently?)

Oh yeah, if you're concerned about the extra packaging (what with all the individual packets), the packing itself is made from 70% recycled materials.

Now, all this talk about these delicious morsels has made me a tad hungry - gotta go get me some crunch!

***I have not been paid or compensated in any manner for any review of this product. this is merely an item from my grocery cart that my family and I are very happy with and I wanted to share the news.