The organizer posts the list on their post for the day and a hop button that will allow you to join in, too. Often, other participants will also post the list but, usually, they simply post the button that leads you to the list. You then simply click on the name on the list and get transported to that blog. You can then choose to follow that person or leave a comment or do both. You may simply decide that one's not for you and move on to the next blog. You are encouraged to check them all out and, hopefully, all those folks will be returning the favor.

Just one of the ongoing blog hops.
I'm not a numbers person. I am happy to know there are folks out there who read my musings regularly but I don't get upset when my numbers stay stagnant or even if I lose a reader or two along the way. I don't sell ad space or have sponsors so there is no need to boast about how many folks are reading my words. I prefer folks leave a relevant comment when they stop in and the majority do. I don't panic if I go several posts without a comment. There are those who join hops simply to get those comments. I try to leave comments on those posts that I could identify with. Now, generally, I take time to read not just that day's post but at least 4 or 5 of their most recent posts. That takes a lot of time, so I've been busy. In the process, I have found some great reads and, yes, I added some to my regular reading list.
I'd like to share a few here with you. Maybe you'll like them, too.
One of the first I discovered this week was Cranky Old Man. Now, if you're at home with infants and toddlers and your main concerns are how to get one down for a nap while bathing the other, his probably isn't your kind of blog. BUT, if your kids are grown (or nearly there), the grandkids are around with some frequency and you spend a fair amount of time simply observing life around you and often shaking your head a bit, you may just really get a kick out of this humorous look at everyday life. He had me at the name, "Cranky Old Man." (I sort of expected to see a picture of The Big Guy as an illustration!)

Then, I fell in love with Ivy and Elephants. Their blog is a work of beauty and information. Here, these two ladies, Patti and Paula share their love of beautiful and fascinating collectibles. I found this read to be very peaceful and relaxing and I had trouble pulling myself away as I dug through their older posts. I'm sure they'll be right up there on my "read daily" list from here on in. Today's post is about toleware and I certainly loved the on on the Chinese puzzle balls!
Over at Aka Gramma I discovered Tina who had a number of helpful ideas. Two I really enjoyed and will be filing away for future use are a unique but pleasant get-well gift and a recovery tip. First she mentions one of the best gifts she received during a recent hospitalization was a pack of those flexible neon (glow-in-dark) bracelets they sell at the dollar store. They brought her pleasure. (I was reminded of my cousin buying my aunt large plastic heart sunglasses last year when she had fallen and had black eyes. She was the hit of the retirement center!) I guess the message there is, think "FUN'. Tina then point out she had discovered the press and seal plastic wrap works when applied to your skin over an incision. It enabled her to shower easily before her incisions had healed completely. (I expect that one to come in handy one day.)
She also made me laugh when she referred to her humongous cucumber plant as a "pickle tree".
Tina also has a ticker on her page that tells us just how close both Thanksgiving and Christmas are. Do you realize Christmas is only 90 days away?!?
I hope you'll all take some time to go out there and check out some of the blogs on the many blog hops. You just may find a new favorite read!
Last week was my first blog hop and I also discovered some great new blogs (yours included).
They are a great way to broaden your exposure to many great bloggers out there.
Thanks for the detailed explanation...helpful!
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