Today's the first full day of Fall. Does it feel different? -- look different? --- Can you smell the apples and the pumpkin pies cooking?
To be honest, it all seems the same here - rainy, dreary and just sort of gray - but, I hold out hope of seeing those richly colored leaves someday soon and, hopefully, I'll get a chance to get out between the raindrops and buy some bright yellow, orange and brown mums to decorate my doorstep.
I'm starting to feel like a duck!! (Don't they fly South for the winter?) Think I'll just settle in and watch some movies today. What are you up to this weekend?
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It's been sunny - the kids and I took the dogs on a walk through the woods.
Love your Etsy shop! I'm following fromMBS.
New follower from Finding New Friends blog hop! Hoping you follow back!! =0)
My Crazy Life
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It definitely feels like fall around here. Our temps are crisp and cool. The trees still have a long way to go before they become pretty.
I had a great and creative weekend. My favorite kinds.
Thanks for stopping by and liking my fan page. I am now following your wonderful blog!!
Note Cards and Photos by Theresa
Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet words. Following you to see all you'll do next. Can't wait!
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