Basically, we've pretty much vegged out for the whole day. Did some competitive sodukos (It's a "couple thing" we do.) and I did some painting while The Big Guy napped a bit.
Late in the day, we managed to catch the Sandra Bullock movie, The Blind Side on HBO. This is something we wanted to catch when it was in the theaters but just didn't make it. I should really have referred to it as the Quinton Aaron movie because he did an absolutely fantastic job !! The movie is based on the true story of the Ravens' Defensive Tackle, Michael Oher's transformation from homeless (read "family-less") child to star football player for Ole' Miss and valued member of a leading NFL team. We were even more interested in this as we are big Ravens fans and Michael has proven to be an integral part of this years action.

Have tissues handy, this one will touch your heart.
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