Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
I didn't plan this long hiatus but life just got in the way and I haven't discovered how to cram more than 24 hours into a day or more than 7 days into a week. If you have, won't you please tell me how?
I hope to be here to speak with you on a regular basis again. It's been a long, chaotic couple of months and I've missed all of you so very much.
Of course, it is a busy, super full weekend for most of us and we are off at a fast pace already. So much to do, so few hours and, oh, so very hot!!! We, like most of you, are hovering in the low 100s this weekend. Add an 87% humidity level to a 100 degree day and all one can say is "YUK!!!"
We are lucky at our house. We have power. So many of our friends and family don't as the area experienced unbelievably damaging storms late Friday night and damages are comparable to hurricane damage (without the flooding). For many, restored power is still days away.
In an effort to commiserate with our friends, we are heading outdoors into the heat for a day long festival featuring lots of music, food and fun. It will be approximately 103 throughout most of the day but the park does have some shade and cold drinks will be readily available (for a price!) We did the same on Friday (same event, different entertainment), sitting out there from noon until 10:30 p.m. in 104 degree heat!! Yes, we ARE crazy, as a matter of fact !!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
The Night Before Easter
'Twas the night before Easter. All was calm and laid back.
Fred, the mouse in the kitchen, snarfed down a late snack.
The eggs were all dyed but still drippy and sticky...
To be honest, they looked just a little bit icky.
There were big jelly beans, chocolate bunnies and such,
And as Fred stuffed his face, he sighed, "This is too much!"
Phil and Rose were in bed watching late night TV,
While munching saltines with low-sodium Brie.
Then a sudden commotion rang out in the night.
It shook Phil and Rose, really gave them a fright.
Phil's hair stood on end, and his eyes bugged out big...
Rose whipped off the covers and knocked off her wig.
They lunged to the window, yanked open the blinds...
What they saw was amazing; it boggled their minds:
Across the night sky, with a noise like the dickens,
Soared a minivan drawn by eight overgrown chickens!
At the wheel sat a bunny -- cute, fuzzy and fat --
In designer blue jeans and a Panama hat.
Like a speeding space shuttle, those chickens they flew,
As the van driver called to each hen in his crew:
"Now, Ashley! Now, Sheila! Now, Kelsey and Bo!
On Bethany, Liza! On Daphne, on Flo!"
The van made its landing lickety-split ...
Nearly wiped out the shrubs and the barbecue pit!
Then up on the roof, much to Phil's consternation,
They squawked of egg prices and space navigation.
They made so much noise that Phil started to stammer,
"If you guys don't shut up, we'll get thrown in the slammer!"
Fuzzy hopped down the chimney, amidst all this racket,
And emerged from the fireplace, adjusting his jacket.
This bunny was chic, he had class, he had flair ..
Not your average bozo, not your typical hare.
His ears were enormous; his huge overbite
Was right under a nose like a pink neon light.
His manner was smooth, he was hip, he was cool;
This floppy-eared bunny was no fuzzy fool.
"While I'm here," he smiled, "Everybody relaxes ...
I'm not selling storm windows, won't audit your taxes.
I'm just here to bring you some fun and delight.
Eat, drink, and be merry! Let's party tonight!"
So they sipped diet soda and swapped silly jokes,
Those birds and their bunny just being plain folks.
Then flop-ears said, "Hey, friends, we've had quite a ball,
But my chickens and I are now due in St. Paul!"
He crossed both his eyes. Then he wiggled one ear,
And he yelled to his chicken team, "We're outta here!"
As the minivan rose in the 3 a.m. sky,
He called out, "Later, Phil! And to you, Rose, good-bye!"
As he sped out of sight, his two friends heard him say,
"Happy Easter to all! Have a beautiful day!"
Author Unknown
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "where you relax":
river, ocean, lake, whatever.

Friday, March 30, 2012
Here a bunny, there a bunny, everywhere a bunny...
Seriously, that's a lot of cash!! Almost more than I can actually fathom. I mean, we always fantasize about how we'd spend a big windfall but this is more like an avalanche of cash ! We've discussed all the normal stuff - a new house, maybe a nice oceanfront beach house, new vehicles, pay off a few student loans for family members, finance college for a few others, pay off a few family houses or get a few of the younger crowd settled in their first houses, maybe helps a few family members supplement their retirement funds, some favorite charities, etc.
Okay, so that's pretty much a drop in the bucket when we're talking these kind of numbers. Which brings us to just how do you invest and protect the money that's left? I mean, handled correctly, we could live very well off the interest alone. As could the next generation. This going to take a lot more thought. Well, we've got from now till 11:30 tonight to work this one out.
So, what are YOUR MEGA DREAMS ?
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Well, I thought joining in on the Marchphotoaday challenge would help me get back into posting on a daily basis. It didn't quite work out that way but it has helped push me in the right direction. Some folks simply posted the subject of the day and a pic without any commentary. I tried to use the photo to trigger at least a short post on the subject. to me, that was the true challenge.
I have seriously been working on gathering photos, research and such to produce some truly informative posts with some true depth. Among those subjects are buttons, antique wax dolls, piano babies, care and feeding of your vintage porcelain figures, vintage textiles, and more. I hope to get these started here early next week. I'd say on the 1st, but then would you take anyone seriously about such promises for April Fool's Day ?
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I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "toy":
She's just one of the adorable sock bunnies I have for sale in my
shop at the moment.
(Last day to order in time for Easter delivery
(in the U.S.) is tomorrow.)

Saturday, March 24, 2012
Giddy-Up, Officer
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "an animal":
Just as police dogs are considered officers, so are the equine members.
If one goes to the inlet end (Southern tip) of this boardwalk, you can look across the channel and often see the wild ponies on Assateage Island. Wonder if those little ponies look across and hope to become a Police Officer in the "big city" one day!
**I'm proud to say my niece is a member of the Mounted Unit of the Baltimore City Police Department. She is not a patrol officer but is responsible for the daily health and welfare of the four-footed officers in her unit.

Friday, March 23, 2012
AC on in March !!!!
I can tell it's Spring as we're judging the first BBQ of the season tomorrow. Looking forward to some good food and a chance to see the whole BBQ gang. Funny, we see those folks every couple weeks for 6 months straight and then not at all for the other 6 months. Only a few of us stay in touch via FB through the winter. One of those few let me know today they won't be there tomorrow but are encouraging us to expand our horizons and judge a chili contest with them in 2 weeks! Hmmm, need to check our calendar for that one. We've never done a chili contest.
We had a great visit with some friends today. We did get a Japanese Maple for a memorial gift for them. (She lost her Mom last month.) I was willing to go along with The Big Guy's choice of a saucer magnolia since we like ours so much, but the ones they had at the nursery just didn't look great.) The tree was a little bigger than we'd planned and was a little harder to fit in the van. The nursery guy ended up crawling into the vehicle to pull it in and get it situated then had trouble getting out. I teased him that we were going to hold him captive but he found a hole to squeeze through. Amazingly, The Big Guy didn't have a lot of trouble pulling it out, pot first, through the sliding door on the side! They were really pleased with it and were trying to decide just where to plant it when we left. (They do own automated digging equipment that will make that job easier for them.)
Got home in time to squeeze a quick nap in before our neighbor came over for the weekly card game. All-in-all, it was a good day.
Our neighbor did the lawn last night and today so I guess we need to get out there and work the flower beds and do some trimming now to make it "Lawn Beautiful" as The Big Guy likes to call it. Still too early here to really plant yet. Hard to believe it when you look around though. The forsythias are gorgeous this year - very full. The flowering cherries and plums are pretty much at their peak (we've got a tremendous number of both in the general area), the saucer magnolias and star magnolias have actually peaked and are going to leaf now, the red buds are blooming and the earliest azalea breed around these parts popped forth today. Daffodils are everywhere! I even saw a few beds of hyacinths in bloom today. We're a full month early on most of these.
Well, got to head off to bed so I'll be ready to judge in the morning.
Happy weekend, All!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Ummm, Ummm, Good!!!
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "delicious":
Steamed crabs are a way of life here!
If you've never tried one, it should be on your bucket list.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "funny":
parking lot one day. They just struck me as so
personable and made me smile for the rest of the day!

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Not the corner!! Please don't make me go there!
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "a corner of your home":
Oh, that red sweatshirt ? That one doesn't live here. I'm hoping by hanging it in plain sight, it will be noticed and carried back home by one of those folks who can never remember to gather ALL their belongings when leaving. (You KNOW who you are!) I used to have a shelf for such items but, alas, it's gotten full because they all tend to leave more and more things here on a regular basis. The Big Guy says it's like they're dropping crumbs so they can find their way back home but I believe it's because they don't have a corner to stash things in like we do!
Everybody needs a corner like this in their home!
Here's the list if you'd like to play along, too.

Friday, March 16, 2012
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "sunglasses":

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Inquiring minds want to know ...
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "car":
in Travelers Rest, SC. I always wonder what kind of tales it could tell!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
See that cloud over there?
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "clouds":
I believe it was somewhere over Lancaster, PA in August. Can't say
why I took it though. Guess it was just pretty to me at the moment.
I tend to take a lot of pics of pretty skies and cloud formations.
It's just one of my quirks.
and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs;
an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. "
~Leonard Louis Levinson
Go ahead. Think about it!
Here's the list if you'd like to play along with the March Photo Challenge, too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
EAT !!!
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "a sign":

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Sometimes, you've just got to tell somebody!
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "someone you talked to today":

Saturday, March 10, 2012
How would YOU illustrate "LOUD"?
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "loud":
You'd have to know her to appreciate the fact that
she should be the illustration in Webster's dictionary
for the word "loud."
Here's the list if you'd like to play along with the March Photo Challenge, too.

Thursday, March 8, 2012
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "window":
my view of the world from my living room.
Recently, I was reminded of the exciting view we have. (Yes, there is a touch of sarcasm there, but just a touch.) Our next door neighbor, whose front window faces the same view, commented on being able to see so much more from our house. Momentarily, I was confused and then realized that the hill rising steeply between our doors and the street is much higher in front of his house. His colonial has a living room that is flush with ground level, mine is higher as we have a split foyer. He sees his own front yard and grass when he looks out. We see our entire court and the street and houses beyond. It's all in the perspective, isn't it?
A FB friend put it all in great perspective this morning with this statement:
A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.Yep, it's all in the perspective.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
A little vintage shopping therapy ...

A light bulb went off!!!!
Hmmm, I had money in my pocket and a real big thrift store right around the corner! (He doesn't like me to go there without supervision as he's trying to get rid of all that extra stuff around the house. Thus, the development of the Vintage Section in my Etsy shop.) I mean, he doesn't mind if I'm going strictly to look for supplies like ribbons and lace or the occasional brand new (with store tags) lampshade to paint. He doesn't want more figurines for the collections we already have (the ones we're NOT selling off) or "interesting" finds that I thought I couldn't live without.
So, after deep consideration (about 5 minutes of thought), I took off for an adventure. I didn't do bad. Well, not tooo bad. I only picked up a few items that were bea-u-ti-ful! All of which I think are perfect for painting and reselling. Lucky for me I had plenty of time to get them home and hide them carefully. I know. I could justify their purchase with the "they're for the shop" argument but then he might point out I already have a stock pile of "To Be Painted" pieces. (Also, lucky for me, he doesn't read this blog!)
This is what I grabbed, for a mere ten spot!!
As of today, I'm vowing to steer clear of that place until these are painted and listed in the shop. Please, wish me luck on this one! (I mean, the only way in and out of my house is to go right past their driveway!)
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "Something You Wore":
Gawd, I LUV those shoes!
Here's the list if you'd like to play along, too.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Just a photo today...
I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month.
Today's subject is "5 PM":
happy hour games. Simply depends on the day.
Here's the list if you'd like to play along, too.

Monday, March 5, 2012
Moving on into March...
I usually look forward to March as winter in our part of the country is generally pretty much done for by the middle of the month. If it wasn't for a calendar, we probably wouldn't know we had even had winter this year! We've had less than 2 inches of snow all season (knock on wood !) and there isn't any predicted for the rest of this week here. I must say, we did have some heavy flurries for about 15 minutes today - close to a white out! It was 40 degrees at the time! WEIRD!!!
St. Patrick's Day is also something to look forward to. I like the party atmosphere taken on by the entire community. I really enjoy the corn beef and cabbage. It's a dish The Big Guy isn't so crazy about so we really do eat it only once a year. I love the excuse to make it. I can take or leave green beer but it does give the joint a festive air so, go ahead, pass me one! And, hey, where would be without at least the possibility of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - put there by leprechans, of course!
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I've decided I really need a push to get me back to daily posting here so I've joined the Marchphotoaday Challenge along with Mama Tink and some other bloggers. Basically, every participant posts a picture of a specific subject for each day of the month. I think I can do this!! Wish me luck. (Please.)
Today's subject is "a smile":
Here's the list if you'd like to play along, too.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Is it still February? (Feels like April!)
Posting every day in February hasn't worked out well either. Has it ? I may have to go for March for that new beginning.
Seriously, I could give a long list of where my time has gone, but, suffice it to say, I've been busy. Seems good weather takes away those long dull winter days that never seem to end and lend themselves so well to playing, er, make that "working", online. Instead, the warmer air and bright sunshine beckon us to venture out, and, "venture" we did !
That trip was sort of a spur of the moment move. I suggested it to The Big Guy about 9:30 on a warm, sunny Friday morning and we were packed and on the road by noon. You'd think after several decades with me, he'd learn to approach my brainstorms with caution but he was quick to agree.
It was a beautiful day for a scenic drive. By the time we got there and checked into our hotel, it was time for dinner and that was our big activity of the night. We went to one of our favorites, Captain George's Seafood Smorgasboard. This is one of the best spreads anywhere (and we've checked out quite a few!) They also have locations in Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach and Kill Devil Hills. Dinner was fantastic, as always. Good thing, because the rest of the trip was a bust!
Well, at least the Williamsburg portion. My original plan was to go out for dinner on Friday (I used that as bait to get The Big Guy to make the trip!) and then, on Saturday, I wanted to go to The Pottery (the Grandaddy of all outlet shopping in the East) to shop for a few hours.
All the tourist literature I picked up down there indicated The Pottery was under renovation but was open during construction. I checked carefully to see how early they opened on Saturday and we were on schedule to get there when they opened the gate at 9 a.m. About a block before we got there, I was glancing through one last visitor's guide I'd picked up at breakfast and came across an ad that said The Pottery would be closed in February for construction. Uh Oh. It happened to be February 4th !!
About that time, the gate came into sight with a big banner reading, "See you in March!!" I really was quite proud of my man. He simply sighed, very loudly, and said, "What now?" I recovered quickly, pointing out that there is a standard outlet mall just across the road and the store he normally buys his jeans at was in that mall. He needed jeans, didn't he? After waiting until those stores opened at 10, he did, in fact, buy two pairs of jeans. We picked up a Ravens sweatshirt for one of the kids at a fantastic price and I bought a pair of shoes at the Croc outlet. (Of course, all those outlet stores, except for the Croc store, are also at the outlet mall near home. We didn't need to travel 4 1/2 hours to get there.)
Okay, it was now 11 a.m. and we were done. So, we headed toward home. Not much conversation at that point. When he finally calmed down and spoke, he suggested we drop in and visit with my cousin in Northern Virginia. She's had a lot of medical problems this year and has been tied to the house for most of the last 9-10 months so we haven't seen much of them.
We did stop and visit for an hour or so and we really enjoyed seeing them. I guess it did give our trip purpose and made it all worthwhile.
What do you think my odds are of getting him to go back in March so I can shop at The Pottery?
Thursday, February 2, 2012
February? Already !!!
REVISED GOAL for the year: Post DAILY beginning with February 2, 2012. (I was going to make it the 1st but I fell asleep!)
Wish me luck, please!
How we're already a whole month into the year just floors me! Where did the time go? Usually, I get bogged down with the cold and dreary winter weather and the fact that I tend to hibernate rather than venture out during that time but this year has been different. At least, here, in the Mid-Atlantic, it's been unusually warm. We've had several 70 degree days and a lot of days when a coat wasn't necessary, just a sweater or sweatshirt. heck, we've even seen a lot of shorts and flip flops on the street and such.
(We had views of both the ocean and the bay from our room!!)
I didn't think we'd done much since the holidays but when I gave it deep thought, we've been fairly busy. We've had houseguests twice this month and squeezed in a mini-vacation ourselves. We spent a couple of nights in Atlantic City at Trump Plaza and, yes, it was warm enough to walk the boardwalk. We even spent time sitting on a bench watching the world go by. We've done a few day trips, too. One to Lancaster, PA and another to Cowtown in Woodstown, NJ (A huge marketplace that's only open on Tuesdays and Saturdays with at least 150 or so vendors in the winter. More in the summer.) We've been to the movies a couple of times and out to dinner often with friends. I squeezed in some major cooking days, too. You know, the kind that keep you in the kitchen for most of the day. (Good news is, that usually means some stock-piled meals in the freezer at the end of the day!) On top of that, business has been extremely good for January. This has been my best sales for January in about 2 decades (since I used to do mall craft shows). That's kept me busy as most of the orders were painted to order although a few were for some vintage pieces.
I've worked up a bunch of new designs for the shop. Among them were a number of Valentine's Day onesies, and a whole cupcake line including onesies and crocheted toys. I've done some beautiful lamps although I'm having trouble keeping them in stock. the last one was listed for less than a half hour when it sold! Right now, I have several that I've base-coated but have not yet done the detail work on. Hopefully, I'll finish them up in the next day or two. Also, look for some beautiful painted glass vases soon, too.
DO ANY OF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THESE DOVES? We know they are at least 30 years old. (They came with The Big Guy and the house. They were a package deal. LOL) I thought they were alabaster for many years but just today really began looking at their marks. They each measure approx. 3 1/2" x 5 1/2' and weigh about a pound each. They have small plastic plugs in the bottom like S & P shakers have. They are actually porcelain, filled with what appears to be white sand! At first, we thought it was salt but neither of us are brave enough to taste it so we've decided it is sand. It is quite grainy. There is a small gold sticker with red writing that states: "Our Own" (in script-like lettering) then, below that "Genuine Porcelain" is printed and then below that the word, "Imported" again, in script like lettering. "Our Own" actually appears to be a brand name. ANY IDEAS?
Well, I need to get busy doing some photos of this vintage stuff so I can get busy and start listing. I full well plan to chat with all of you again tomorrow. (Keep your fingers crossed.)