A beautiful vision - if only enough scarves are received. The deadlines are approaching fast. (Each participating program has it's own deadline.)

For a crocheter or knitter, producing one simple little scarf does not take a lot of work. If each of my yarn-talented readers made just one scarf, there would be a lot of happy athletes wearing a gift!! The only rules are that you use the specific yarn colors (Red Heart Blue 886 and Red Heart Turqua 512) and they ask that the finished scarf measure 6" x 54"-60". You can use any pattern or design you like or go their website and obtain a free pattern.
For more details and to find where you can send your finished scarf, check out the 2011 Special Olympics USA Scarf Project website or go to their FB page (Scarves for Special Olympics), Twitter (USAScarfProject) or check out their blog at http://ScarvesForSpecialOlympics.wordpress.com
Your help is needed and it is needed now. If you don't knit or crochet, tell those folks you know who do. I have one friend who is all thumbs, but she bought her mom a couple skeins of yarn and Mom's busy turning out a scarf or two a day!!
I hope you will take time to check out the website and the project and, hopefully, you'll whip out a scarf in the next few days. After all, knitting and crocheting are perfect activities for a cold snowy evening.
I'm off to work on another scarf.
This is wonderful! A lot of my friends are knitters, I'll have to let them know. :-)
Good afternoon,
How is your scarf coming...I am just finishing my 2nd. (I have pics on my blog, if you want to see pics...you will have to scroll back a few days) I would love to see your progress!
Happy Weekend ~Natalie
Natalie, I'm working on No. #3 today. Will probably post pics in next day or two. I'm enjoying this.
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