It started with The Today Show. Willard Scott did his usual honoring of centenarians and, for some reason, his description of one lady being The Bingo Queen of the [Rest] Home struck me as hysterical and I got the giggles. You know, those ROTF tremors that, when you think about it, it wasn't THAT funny to start with but you end up laughing at your own loss of control. I just had this vision of a little old gal like Estelle Getty's Golden Girls' character in a fancy ermine (or some such gaudy fur) cape with white gloves (for the Royal wave, of course) and a very heavy ornate crown with bejeweled Bingo cards stuck all over it!

Did anybody else catch Kirstie Alley on Letterman the other night? She looked good in a fantastic plum-colored evening gown. I only wish she'd try something different with her hair so she didn't constantly have to jerk her head to see out from under it. Hair tossing lost it's cuteness somewhere around the age of 17. I mean, she looks good but she's no Farrah! She does get lots of points though for calling Dave out for all the mean fat jokes he told while she was on DWTS last season. He can be quite hurtful and should get chewed out now and then. ( One of those that she quoted was "Kirstie Alley is joining Dancing With The Stars. If you don't already own one, now might be a good time to get a wide-screen TV.")
I've also spent time this week getting to know the Texas Women on CMT, catching up on The Big C and Weeds on Showtime, Four Weddings on TLC and watching some PBS, too. (Does the educational aspects of the latter dispel the shallowness of the others?)
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