This has been a difficult post to write. How do you ask your long-term Followers and friends to forgive you for not stopping in or calling or something for weeks, almost months? Oh, I posted a quickie here and there but that's sort of like leaving a voice mail or text that says "Call you later." Not too friendly.
I know true friends realize you're in the midst of a rough time and stand at the ready, waiting to hear from you when you're ready. If you're still hanging around and reading this, I guess you're one of those friends. Thank you. Thanks for being YOU and for still being here.
There are so many words I could use to describe the last few months but to summarize let's just call them bitter sweet and trying (very, very "trying"). We've had family issues, health issues, a death in the immediate family, a major lifestyle change, weather issues (historical heat, a hurricane and even an earthquake!), and so much more. There have also been good times - soothing music, great food and comforting friends and family get-togethers.
And such is life. Let's just say, life got in the way of my postings.
I know I've said it before but I think, this time, I'm back on track. At least, I hope I am. I've missed my blogs, my shop, my on-line friends and most of all, my painting and creating.
I woke up this morning, one of those few days we haven't had outside commitments, obligations or appointments, and I got right down to business on my household chores. I was hurrying so I might have time to get to my blog this afternoon - finally. That was enough to give me a push and I moved at "the speed of light", so to speak.
Okay, so maybe I exaggerate (just a bit). I am, after all, a heavy woman on the shady side of 50 (To paraphrase Tamar Myers, one of my favorite authors, "so shady, even mushrooms don't grow there.") with bad knees. I don't really have a turbo speed but I was moving at "full speed ahead" to "get'er done."
In any case, it's not dark out yet and I'm not yet so tired that I can't keep my eyes open but I have accomplished most of my "To Do" list for today and I'm rewarding myself with some time on the internet. It feels soooo good!!!
I've peppered this post with a few photos from our summer. They don't really have anything to do with this post but they're just a sampling of where we've been and what we've done. (Of course, we only photograph the good times.)
Suffice it to say, I'm alive, relatively well and almost functional. To quote Ah-nold, "I will be back," (hopefully, tomorrow - maybe even later this evening.)
And such is life. Let's just say, life got in the way of my postings.
I know I've said it before but I think, this time, I'm back on track. At least, I hope I am. I've missed my blogs, my shop, my on-line friends and most of all, my painting and creating.
I woke up this morning, one of those few days we haven't had outside commitments, obligations or appointments, and I got right down to business on my household chores. I was hurrying so I might have time to get to my blog this afternoon - finally. That was enough to give me a push and I moved at "the speed of light", so to speak.
Okay, so maybe I exaggerate (just a bit). I am, after all, a heavy woman on the shady side of 50 (To paraphrase Tamar Myers, one of my favorite authors, "so shady, even mushrooms don't grow there.") with bad knees. I don't really have a turbo speed but I was moving at "full speed ahead" to "get'er done."
In any case, it's not dark out yet and I'm not yet so tired that I can't keep my eyes open but I have accomplished most of my "To Do" list for today and I'm rewarding myself with some time on the internet. It feels soooo good!!!
I've peppered this post with a few photos from our summer. They don't really have anything to do with this post but they're just a sampling of where we've been and what we've done. (Of course, we only photograph the good times.)
Suffice it to say, I'm alive, relatively well and almost functional. To quote Ah-nold, "I will be back," (hopefully, tomorrow - maybe even later this evening.)