I had a huge amount of production planned for this week but you know what they say about the best laid plans. We'll be away for the weekend and I need to get our travel stuff together as well as make preps for the person who will be here at the house while we're gone. (You know, meals and such.)
It's been "one of those days" today, though. Nothing catastrophic, but a lot of mini-problems.
I meant to get up fairly early as I had a long "To Do" list. Turns out, I slept later than usual. So much for that early start. As usual, I sat down to check my e-mails and such. The computer simply didn't want to cooperate. I had trouble using IE-7 so I switched over to Firefox for access. Firefox worked at first then suddenly stopped. It took me a good while of fiddling with things before realizing the wireless connection was a little loose at the back of the computer.
Once I got it up and running smoothly, I started Twittering. I made so many typos there it looked like I was illiterate!! (There is no edit button for Twitter!) I took a break from that to draft today's blog. Since I normally don't manage to get my post done until late evening, I was really proud of myself. It was done by 11 a.m.!! Then, just as I reached for the "publish" button, it dawned on me that I had just written a Working the Shows Wednesday post on Tuesday!! Caught it just in the knick of time and kept it as a draft for tomorrow. So, here I sit, late at night, working on Tuesday's post, again. At least I can post early tomorrow!
I gave up on the computer and moved on to housework which went smoother. We have our former boarder returning this week and I need to get his room ready by Thursday. When nobody's living in there, I keep my business records, paints and blank garments in there as well as a lot of other things that really need permanent homes. My "to be ironed" pile sits on that bed most of the time. Guess I need to do the ironing tomorrow!!
As the day progressed, things were going a bit better. Housework went okay but I didn't get as much done as planned. Dinner, however, went great! We had steamed snow crab legs and fried scallops. The legs had great flavor and the scallops turned out beautifully. I finally had a sense of accomplishment for the day!
I figured I'd quit while I was ahead and simply sat back and did some competitive sodokus with The Big Guy all evening. It was fun and relaxing and I even held my own on the competition front!
Tomorrow's another day!!
1 comment:
How adorable. Wish I still had a little one.
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