"...No one will remember the perfect Thanksgiving anyway. Five and ten years from now, family and friends will be laughing over the time the turkey burned and you had to order in Chinese food. Or the impossibly hard biscuits Aunt Beth insisted on making every year. All the perfect food will be long forgotten. ...relax and enjoy [yourself]. It's the mishaps and the funny incidents that create the best memories --Sophie"So says Krista Davis in The Diva Runs Out of Thyme
As you rush about today, doing all those last minute preps for the big meal, keep these words in mind. They are, oh, so true. Go ahead and ask your family about their most memorable Thanksgivings (if you dare). I'm sure the ones that stand out will be the "imperfect" events. A bonus of doing this is the laughs you'll all share as a family reliving those unique memories.

Then, sit down and have a glass of wine while you contemplate all the rest of that work.
I agree, It is always fun talking about & reminding each other of the funny things/mishaps that happened at Thanksgiving time!
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I agree! No point in stressing about the holidays. Just sit back and enjoy whatever happens!
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