It has been * HOT * HOT * HOT * here this week!!!!
This kind of weather is not unheard of in these parts but we usually don't get it until August, by then, we've acclimated a bit more. Not that one can ever really get used to heat indexes of 107 degrees and more. It will always be defined as
HOT!!!!Our air conditioner has been a reluctant player this week to complicate matters. It's still under warranty so we called for service. They can't get here until Tuesday!!!
(10 days from the date of our call!) Fans have helped some but it has been so oppressive that I just want to flop like a rag doll!!
Don't get me wrong. There have been a few upsides to this. We don't dare add to the inside temp by cooking so we've been forced to go out to dinner each night!! Since it uses the least amount of energy, I've done a lot of reading as opposed to housework. (What a great excuse!!) I've finally finished the second of Stieg Larsson's trilogy (The Girl Who Played With Fire).
(If you haven't read these, get to it!
But be sure to start with his first book,
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) The heat however has attacked my creative mojo. I think it melted. I've had to force myself to work on my many projects. Orders have, of course, taken the first priority. It's a little harder to keep the new ideas flowing in this hot air, though. To prove I'm not just sitting around reading and eating snow balls, I'm sharing some
Work In Progress pics. Maybe that will push me on toward getting them done!
I was inspired by the arrival of cherry season and began working on a
Cherry Baby concept. Hopefully, I'll get this in the shop by Monday.
I'm still stitching lace at every opportunity, too. It does take time to plan out the placement and get it pinned in place. Once I've got the lace on a garment, I'm letting the outfit itself guide me in the painting concept. This little pink dress is now talking to my paints about it's future.
Remember the Apple Jars? These were the ones I picked up at the trhift shop with D's apple-themed kitchen in mind. Then, once I'd painted them, I thought maybe I'd put them in the shop instead.
Well, I guess my conscience was working on me, 'cuz they've been sitting here and I haven't been able to bring myself to put them in my shop. After all D is a sweetie and they will look so good in her kitchen. So, after all is said and done, they will be making their way to her shelf.
Now, the challenge is to fill each one up with something special (and apple-oriented). So far, some of my ideas have included apple-flavored jelly beans, sour apple candies, even apple jacks cereal.
I'm open to suggestions. Any apple ideas out there?
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