It's just too warm to do much of anything but loll around in front of the air conditioner vents and drink cold beverages. Not lucky enough to have AC? Find the coolest shady spot you can. Pray for a breeze and slurp something cold.

This heat wave began Sunday and hasn't let up yet. Night time temps have only dropped into the 80s so there really hasn't been much cooling at night.(It's almost midnight and we are still at 91 degrees!) Tonight they're hoping we will actually dive into the 70s and may only reach a high in the mid-90s tomorrow. One can only hope.
I fully expected to post here on Sunday night after a busy, very full weekend, but I dealt with the sweltering temps that day with frozen margaritas consumed at an 8-hour long party. I wasn't much into writing that evening! (I wasn't really noticing the heat so much though!)
Monday was another full day of celebrating and by then the heat was really getting to us. I really haven't done much. The heat has simply zapped all of my energy even indoors.
We're keeping our fingers crossed for tomorrow. I'd love to be able to cook for dinner again. It's just been too hot to generate any heat in the kitchen and waaay too hot to bother with the grill outside. Even when we do get the meal prepared, it's simply too hot to eat.
Here's hoping y'all are staying cool!!!
I'm pretty sure that I quoted this melting witch earlier this week too...try to stay cool!
Have a fabulous weekend. ~Natalie
Natalie - Sorry I missed your quoting the witch. Seems I've been so busy, I'm behind on my blog reading. Hope to catch up over the weekend. It's been o hot, I didn't even want to sit and read. We're finally down below 100 today and it's still quite miserable. Hope all is going well with getting your mom settled in and her home closed up.
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