How'd it get to be Wednesday again so soon? I've been so busy the last few days, time has simply slipped past !
Last week, I began a new section in my online shop featuring vintage items. At this time, I am fully stocking this new department from "treasures" we've had lying about our home and in storage in the garage, basement, closets, and, yes, even under the bed. It's the first tentative steps toward downsizing in the foreseeable future.

Among the first listings in that section are these sweet little white bone china miniature rabbits. Tonight they were featured in an Etsy treasury called
Vintage Easter Treasures curated by a great vintage shop,
Toys of the Past. Please take time to check out the treasury and to check out that interesting shop.

I've also been working on completing so many
Works In Progress that somehow got pushed to the side or put on a back shelf or for whatever reason seem to be languishing. So on Friday, after kicking off those shoes and finally letting my toes wiggle a bit after all that shopping, I dug out my lamp that I started before the Christmas holidays got in the way. It really didn't take long to finish it up. Actually, the most time was consumed in waiting for the layers of varnish and then the polyurethane to dry. I got it finished, photographed and in the shop today.
What do you think?
I DO so like painting the fishes and sea creatures ! The front of the lamp features Fancy Goldfish and the back has several Zebra Danio fish among the sea grasses.
I told you all about the shoe shopping frustration on Friday. Well, I'm a glutton for punishment. We went shopping again on Saturday - this time for clothes for that upcoming wedding. We've still got about five weeks to get ready but we've got a lot on our plates and will be out-of-town for part of that time so we really do need to get our act together.
We haven't been to a wedding in a few years
(after a slew of them over about an 18 month period back then!) I also haven't had to go anywhere formal for a while so I really
don't have a thing to wear. Unfortunately, my aging hubby still seems to be
a growing boy and has outgrown all of his dressy clothes. So, we set out on that beautiful sunny Saturday to the shopping mecca of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Though known as an outlet capital, all stores in Lancaster are not highly discounted clearance sale facilities selling last year's outdated merchandise or seconds
(although there are many such stores there.) Many of the stores are simply company owned retail outlets, no different than those in your local mall. There are, however, MANY stores concentrated in a small area which is quite conducive to shopping. The thought that you might really find a bargain is also a great motivator. We shop there often for all kinds of things - clothes, furniture, goodies, gifts, and more.
Well, The Big Guy did well, coming home with a new jacket and dress pants to match. He still needs to get a new dress shirt. I bought all sorts of things but only one piece of clothing. It's one of those,
"if nothing else turns up, this might work" items. It's a fairly simple blue top with some glitz to it. I can make it work with a long black skirt if I don't come up with anything else in the meantime. I am still actively looking, though. Oh yeah, I still need shoes!
On Sunday, we did the monthly family dinner. You know, the one where the 18-year-old cooks. All I need to provide is the dessert. I can do that. (
I did that great peanut butter brownie again and a cherry swirl brownie too.)
Remember when the younger generation first went out on their own and always took a care package home from family meals ? Well, the tide has turned.
WE get to bring the care packages home, now!!!
That's our cook and her helper, Rudy.
Once again, the menu consisted of pizza and stromboli (N's specialties) and we had a huge selection. I believe she made two strombolis and four or five pizzas - each different! Tossing the dough was a bit of a challenge as she now has a 6 month old Dalmation, Rudy, who thought it resembled a frisbee. She had to grab fast to be sure he didn't grab it in midair and run!
The puppy is endearing himself to his grandmom.
(They live in her house.) He still has some of those puppy ways - like chewing. We were sitting there after the meal, chatting when she noticed this little
"faux pas" on the dining room wall. It was obvious who was at fault as he left incriminating claw marks!!
The scene of the dastardly crime!!
Rudy's mom was summoned to the scene of the crime and asked for a comment/explanation/whatever. She looked at it closely and then exclaimed,
"No wonder he had an upset tummy!!" This
wasn't the answer her Mom was looking for.
Isn't it great when they're not YOUR kids?(
Or your dining room wall. ) You actually get to chuckle about it.

In addition to leftovers, I also brought home a huge bunch of forsythia that was just ready to bloom. I love to bring them indoors and force them to open up just a bit early.
Aren't they gorgeous?Since then, I've been busy trying to organize the first phase of the vintage items I want to list. This involves a lot of computer research to determine just what they are and what kind of prices they should draw, estimated shipping costs, etc., and then photographing them, writing the listing and actually getting them into the shop. In between, I've been working on those various painting projects that need to be finished up and trying to keep up with the house, prep for our Spring Midwest tour
AND begin making the Easter candy. (After all, I do need to take some out West with us.)
Well, hopefully, I'll write some more tomorrow in between all the "To Do" items on my list.
Have a great Thursday, ya'll!