Friday, February 27, 2009

Quick, name 5 things that make YOU smile.

Yesterday, Rose, over at Life, Love, Yarn posted "5 Things That Make Me Smile" and encouraged the rest of us to do the same. (

Once I got to giving it some thought, I had trouble limiting my list to only 5. Know what? Thinking about what makes you smile actually makes you smile and smiling, well, that leads to feeling good.

What better way to enter the weekend than starting a chain of smiles!!!

Here's my list:

#1 - Fun Times With Family

I can't help but smile when the family gathers over good food and lots of talk. In our case, talk leads right into hearty laughter. Some of my best memories are of just sitting around the table chatting and giggling with the family!!

# 2 - It has to be CHOCOLATE!
Yep, chocolate in most forms makes
me smile. (No, I didn't just copy Rose's answer of chocolate.) It really is one of the best ways to make me smile!

#3 - Balloons always make me smile.
I love balloons in all shapes and sizes. They can be one on a string from the Dollar Store or the kind you climb into a basket and ride in. I think they are beautiful! We took these pics last Memorial Day in Simpsonville, SC at the annual Freedom Festival. I had never seen that many balloons in one spot! It was a gorgeous day and we spent hours just watching the balloons come and go.

#4 - Picnics in the park...
We have a great park near our home that overlooks the point where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Susquehanna River. It is an absolutely beautiful view and very relaxing. We love to take our lunch (or sometimes dinner) and our books and just settle in to watch the herons, seagulls, ducks and boats glide by. Just gotta' smile at these moments!!!

#5 - Parades
I love a good parade. How can you keep from smiling at all the great sights? There's not just the floats and bands and such but the ohhs and ahhs and looks on all the little children watching it all roll by can't be beat to coax a smile out of you!

Well, I hope thinking about my reasons to smile has brought a little smile to your face and has gotten you thinking, too. Thanks Rose, for making me smile, too.

So, tell us what brings a smile to your lips and keep the chain of smiles going.


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

What a great list!

Caffeine would have to be on my list as well.

Jessica N. said...

Yay! I am so glad you snagged this and passed it on! :D Hurray for a chain of smiles!

TheClayMuse said...

Love your list! I tagged you for another cute little sharing game if your interested.... My follow-holic post has the details!